+Practicians, clic here
to publish your ad. It's free !

Publish your ad on the website

Location of the practice and pictures :

Information about the transaction :

Type of transaction :

Type :       

I want to stay anonymous : By checking this box, your first and last name will not appear on the ad.

Adress :

The address number will not be published on the website, it will only be used to locate the location on the map.

Adress :
Postal code :
City :
Country :

Add pictures :

You can add up to six photos (recommended) width of 1500px MAX:

1 :    
2 :    
3 :    
4 :    
5 :    
6 :    

PS: To update an image, send the new one, it will then replace the old one.

Describe your space :

Description :

Title of your ad: This field will be the title of your ad. This is what the visitor will see first and will make them want to read your ad.
Ex: Sale of a dentist's practice in London, well located

Write your ad (minimum 4,5 sentences) :

NB : Try to give as much usefull information as possible in the description: accessibility, financial information if appropriate...

Space information:

Room area: sq. ft.
Number of rooms :

More information :

Accesibility :
Equipments :

Price :

Price / Rent : £ Sell price or month rent. Put a 0 if not relevant.